Welcome to St Andrew’s CE Primary School!
At our school every child is encouraged to reach their potential and become the best they can be in a caring, Christian environment:
Believe in Friendship
Inspire Courage
Achieve Confidence
We value our relationship with parents and strive to include you in everything that your child does in school. Why not come along and see us at work; you will be made very welcome!
Our School Prayer
Dear Lord,
Thank you for my friends who are there for me. Help us to show friendship and care for each other whilst respecting our differences.
Give me the courage to apologise and forgive others. Inspire us in our learning so we can strive to be the best we can be and give us the courage to be resilient and keep going when something is tough.
Please help us to achieve the confidence to believe in ourselves, so we can share our ideas with each other. Inspire us to be brave as we take the next step in our learning.
Jesus hear our prayer,
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