St Andrew's Primary School

Believe. Inspire. Achieve.
Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School

St Andrew's Church

St. Andrew's Church is situated on the edge of the village in Vicarage Lane West. It was built as long ago as 1330 on the site of a former church, and exists to serve the Parish of North Weald, which today includes Hastingwood and Thornwood. We are part of the Diocese of Chelmsford in the Church of England.  

The walls were built using flints and old Roman bricks which can be clearly seen today.  The Tower was added in 1500 and is the only building surviving in North Weald since Medieval times. After a fire in the early 1960’s the interior of the church was extensively rebuilt and the “modern” layout contrasts with the timeless appearance of the church building set in the Essex countryside! The large churchyard also contains significant graves and a memorial, maintained by the War Graves Commission, which reflects the importance of the former RAF North Weald during World War II and especially the Battle of Britain. Our church community maintains strong links with the RAF, groups such as the RAFA and Royal British Legion and also the work that continues today on North Weald Airfield.

You can find out more about the church on their website here: 

St Andrew's Church, North Weald

The Parish is currently in an interregnum period and our school is being supported by the Epping St John's Ministry Team.  


Epping Team Ministry

We have for a long time been linked to the Epping team ministry, as there has been a vacancy at St Andrew’s for many years. They are a vibrant and inclusive clergy team who support our staff and children. They are very much part of our church family and come in weekly to deliver collective worship, which they tailor to the school value and learning we are focusing on in assemblies that week. They spend time with children in class, especially on St Andrew’s day or during our RE lessons. The Epping clergy team also regularly visit and support with RE and collective worship activities in our EYFS provision and are a part of our school governors. In addition to this, they work closely with us to offer us support with community pastoral concerns and with supporting our staff team, through a listening hour which many staff appreciate and use. We are very fortunate to have their support and spiritual guidance and enjoy working with them as important part of our school family.

You can find out more about the Epping Ministry team here: 


Visits to St Andrew's Church

All children visit St Andrew's Church throughout the year. Sometimes this is linked to work in their RE lessons and sometimes this is to take part in and lead church services. These are some of the visits we plan annually. 


Harvest Festival

Year 3 and 4

Remembrance Day 

Year 5 with North Weald Royal British Legion

Children lay poppy crosses on RAF graves

St Andrew's Day

EYFS first visit to St Andrew's Church with Parents

All children participate in an activity day in school

Christingle Services

Year 1 and 6 - Year 2 and 5

Easter Service

Leavers Service

Year 6


Christingle Services 

Each year we visit St Andrew's Church to lead our Christingle services. Year 1 and 6 and  Year 2 and 5 join together for this special service led by the children and Revd. Jaimee. Here are some photos from the service.

christingle service december 2021.pdf


Revd. Jaimee taught us about the Christingle  

Year 5 Worship leaders collected money raised for the Children's Society

Reading - Luke 2: 8-20

Christingle Prayers


St Andrew's Day 30th November 

Children across the school had a special celebration day for St Andrew. In KS1 children visited Revd. Jaimee at the church and learn about the different parts of the church and why they are to special to us as Christians through some fun activities. They also went on a search for images of St Andrew at the church. 

KS1 Children visited St Andrew's Church and learn about our church with Revd. Jaimee


Back in school KS2 had a brilliant day exploring different parts of St Andrew's life, our school history and the different parts which make up our school badge. There was some brilliant art work where children explored still life looking at fish and some Scottish shortbread baking and country dancing to complete our day. 

KS2 Children learning the story of St Andrew

EYFS Children making St Andrew's flags and learning about St Andrew's cross


Harvest Festival 

The children in year 3 prepared and delivered our harvest festival at St Andrew's Church with Revd Jaimee Summers. We were so pleased to welcome so many parents to the church to join in our celebration. We would also like to thank our children and parents for all of your kind donations to Epping Foodbank. We have so many donations which will be put to good use by the foodbank and families in our community. Below are some photos and details about the service. 


Order of Harvest Service 

Welcome - By Revd Jaimee Summers

Song - 'Think of a World Without Any Flowers'

Harvest Poems - Written and Read by Year 3/4

Bible reading by Children - Genesis 41:46-49 and 53-57

Song - 'We Plough the Fields and Scatter'

Sharing Harvest Artwork

Bible reading by Children - Psalm 104

Song - 'Cauliflowers Fluffy'

Thanksgiving Prayers - Led by Revd. Jaimee Summers

Prayers - Written by and read by children

Song - 'Harvest Samba' signed in Makaton 


St Andrew's Church, North Weald


Chelmsford Cathedral

As a school in the Diocese of Chelmsford, we attend services and workshops to support the work of Bishop Guli (Bishop of Chelmsford) and our area bishop, Bishop Lynne (Bishop of Barking). These include annual leavers serves for year 6’s and more recently children were invited to a school workshop on diversity and leadership.